TRENDING: Documents & Diagrams for Engineering Teams |

What is

    Eraser is a tool that allows engineering teams to quickly generate stunning diagrams from existing code or text excerpts. It is designed to be a real-time collaborative whiteboard for engineers. Eraser is built for speed, allowing engineers to create diagrams with fewer clicks and keystrokes. It is designed to be a time-saving tool that can help engineering teams be more productive. Integrating Eraser with Existing Workflows Eraser can be integrated with existing engineering tools and workflows, allowing teams to seamlessly incorporate diagrams and documentation into their development processes from Linkedin.

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  1. Ease of Use:

  • Eraser: Highly intuitive and requires minimal training. Engineers can start creating diagrams quickly.
  • Other Tools: May have a steeper learning curve, especially for more advanced features.

  1. Real-Time Collaboration:

  • Eraser: Designed for seamless real-time collaboration, allowing teams to work together on diagrams.
  • Other Tools: May have more limited collaboration capabilities or require additional setup.

  1. Integration with Engineering Workflows:

  • Eraser: Integrates well with common engineering tools and can be embedded directly into development environments.
  • Other Tools: May require more manual effort to integrate with existing engineering workflows.

  1. Automatic Diagram Generation:

  • Eraser: Can automatically generate diagrams from code or text, saving time and effort.
  • Other Tools: May require more manual diagram creation, without the ability to generate from source material.

  1. Customization and Styling:

  • Eraser: Offers a range of customization options to align with your team's visual branding and preferences.
  • Other Tools: May have more limited styling and customization capabilities.

Key Features:

  • Automatic Diagram Generation
  • Real-time Collaboration
  • Integrations with Developer Tools
  • Customizable Styling
  • Version Control and Tracking
  • Presentation and Sharing


  • Code Repositories: Eraser can be integrated with code repositories like GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket. This allows engineers to create diagrams and documentation directly from their codebase, and automatically sync changes between Eraser and the repository.
  • Project Management Tools: Eraser integrates with project management software like Jira, Trello, and Asana. This enables engineers to embed Eraser diagrams and documents directly into their project tickets, tasks, and workflows.
  • Collaboration Platforms: Eraser supports integration with team collaboration tools like Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Google Workspace. Engineers can share Eraser content, discuss diagrams, and get feedback directly within these platforms.
  • Diagramming and Visualization: Eraser can be connected to other diagramming and visualization tools like Miro, Lucidchart, and, allowing teams to incorporate Eraser diagrams into their existing design and planning processes.
  • Documentation Tools: Eraser integrates with popular documentation platforms like Confluence, GitBook, and Notion, making it easy to embed diagrams and technical content into your team's knowledge base.

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